Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

The O Coach Approach

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

I often get asked “how is your approach different to traditional sex therapies?”
So to show how my approach is different, let’s start with how other therapies approach sexual issues.
The medical profession tend to approach it from a purely physiological stand point. Most of the clients who come to me after approaching their doctor or GP tell me that they are hugely embarrassed and unable to offer any real advice or support to pre-orgasmic women.
Then there are the traditional “sex therapists” who approach it predominantly from the perspective of the physical body. They focus on different positions and techniques. They give some mention of the emotional aspect but little in the way of any real effective way of resolving emotional problems relating to sex.
Other sex therapists give more attention to the psychological aspects of sexuality, and this is often from a “what’s going on in the brain” perspective. So it’s really about the neurological processes.
My approach is really quite different. It focuses on the following:
1. Really getting to the heart of emotional issues around sex and sexuality. Whereas many therapists will mention the shame and guilt so often associated with sex they don’t really have an effective way of releasing it.
2. I use a highly effective therapeutic technique that releases emotions. It’s not just talking about them or going into the past. It actually releases them. In fact, there is lots of evidence that simply talking about the past and reliving it actually makes it worse. So instead I focus on releasing the emotion, then understanding the problem. It’s easier to understand it once the emotion has been released.
3. I work with a lot of women who have been in sexually abusive relationships, or just abusive and assist them to resolve and remove the blocks that prevent them from experiencing pleasure and achieving orgasm.
4. I introduce the ideas behind sexual energy. This has its roots both in Tantra and Western Mystery Tradition. It has some powerful concepts such as:
• Arousal is a result of energy, not physical sensation alone, or even at all!
• Orgasm is a result of holding a high level of sexual energy.
• It explores ideas such as resistance being a powerful container for energy, and that when released we can access more energy.
• The polarities of masculine and feminine energy.
• Power and control in relationships.
• Being conscious.
• Sex and orgasm as a spiritual experience. At orgasm the ego leaves the body so that a union with the soul is possible.

If this sounds like an approach you would like to explore and would like to discuss it further, then apply for a free introductory consultation to discuss your personal situation.
Ask The O Coach your question here.

6 Things You Never Knew Sexual Energy Could Do For You.

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011
6 Things You Never Knew Sexual Energy Could Do For You.
There is a big difference between sexual energy, and sexual desire. You can have sexual energy without desire, but not desire without sexual energy. What is even less well known is just how important sexual energy is for our health, wealth and success.
1. It Can Bring Your More Money
Have you notice that rich and powerful men get more sex? Have you noticed how they seem to get more girlfriends, mistresses, and prettier wives?
Most people think that it’s their wealth and power that attracts the girl, but it’s actually their high sexual energy that attracts their wealth and power. They attract their partners, wives and girlfriends with their sexual energy rather than their money and power.
2. Achieve your ideal Weight
Sexual energy is the most potent available in the body, yet most people don’t know how to access it. Most food cravings are triggered by low energy, or emotional eating.
With access to more energy and more connection to your inner self and physical body you will have fewer or no cravings, and will naturally choose healthy foods. Your energy levels will rise as your appetite falls. Your metabolism will increase and your weight will stabilise at a level that creates maximum health, energy and vitality.
3. Improves physical health
Having more orgasms improves your physical health. Women who have regular orgasms have reduced incidents of heart disease, and certain cancers.
Men who ejaculate more regularly are less likely to suffer from prostate cancer.
In addition to the documented boosts to health as a result of regular sex, harnessing and transmuting sexual energy improves vitality, increases feelings of wellbeing. You experience more energy are more motivated. You will enjoy your body more including moving your body and exercising.
As you increase your awareness of your energy and how different foods affect your energy levels you will find it easy to naturally choose more healthy options. Your body will tell you what foods it wants and needs
4. More success
Factors that increase your success are: inner strength, ability to take responsibility and control, energy, charisma, ability to think clearly, emotional resilience and your ability to feel emotions positively rather than negatively, your ability to take good decisions and act decisively.
Raising and harnessing sexual energy increases all of these factors which will increase your success.
5. More sales
Napoleon Hill included a whole chapter on the Mystery of Sex transmutation and its importance for increasing sales.
People buy from people they like and feel good around. A large part of what makes a salesperson likable is their energy. When you have great energy it will make others feel great around you. You will naturally put people at ease, make them feel comfortable. The more comfortable they feel, the more they feel able to trust you, the more you make them feel good about being associated with you the more they will buy.
6. Better leadership abilities
Great leaders have strong sense of SELF. It’s this that attracts people who resonate with you and want to be around you and want to be in your “tribe”.
This strong sense of self gives you the confidence to shout about what you stand for and to be completely OK if some people reject your message.
Transmuting sexual energy increases your sense of self and makes you the leader that people aspire to be and be around. You will lead by example and make people feel good when they are around you. The better you make others feel the more likely they will follow you and the better leader you will be.
For free instant access to discover how you can harness and transmute your sexual energy
By Dr. Lisa Turner

sexual energyThere is a big difference between sexual energy, and sexual desire. You can have sexual energy without desire, but not desire without sexual energy. What is even less well known is just how important sexual energy is for our health, wealth and success.

1. It Can Bring Your More Money

Have you noticed that rich and powerful men get more sex? Have you noticed how they seem to get more girlfriends, mistresses, and prettier wives?

Most people think that it’s their wealth and power that attracts the girl, but it’s actually their high sexual energy that attracts their wealth and power. They attract their partners, wives and girlfriends with their sexual energy rather than their money and power.

2. Achieve your ideal Weight

Sexual energy is the most potent available in the body, yet most people don’t know how to access it. Most food cravings are triggered by low energy, or emotional eating.

With access to more energy and more connection to your inner self and physical body you will have fewer or no cravings, and will naturally choose healthy foods. Your energy levels will rise as your appetite falls. Your metabolism will increase and your weight will stabilise at a level that creates maximum health, energy and vitality.

3. Improves physical health

Having more orgasms improves your physical health. Women who have regular orgasms have reduced incidents of heart disease, and certain cancers.

Men who ejaculate more regularly are less likely to suffer from prostate cancer.

In addition to the documented boosts to health as a result of regular sex, harnessing and transmuting sexual energy improves vitality, increases feelings of wellbeing. You experience more energy are more motivated. You will enjoy your body more including moving your body and exercising.

As you increase your awareness of your energy and how different foods affect your energy levels you will find it easy to naturally choose more healthy options. Your body will tell you what foods it wants and needs

4. More success

Factors that increase your success are: inner strength, ability to take responsibility and control, energy, charisma, ability to think clearly, emotional resilience and your ability to feel emotions positively rather than negatively, your ability to take good decisions and act decisively.

Raising and harnessing sexual energy increases all of these factors which will increase your success.

5. More sales

Napoleon Hill included a whole chapter on the Mystery of Sex transmutation and its importance for increasing sales.

People buy from people they like and feel good around. A large part of what makes a salesperson likable is their energy. When you have great energy it will make others feel great around you. You will naturally put people at ease, make them feel comfortable. The more comfortable they feel, the more they feel able to trust you, the more you make them feel good about being associated with you the more they will buy.

6. Better leadership abilities

Great leaders have strong sense of SELF. It’s this that attracts people who resonate with you and want to be around you and want to be in your “tribe”.

This strong sense of self gives you the confidence to shout about what you stand for and to be completely OK if some people reject your message.

Transmuting sexual energy increases your sense of self and makes you the leader that people aspire to be and be around. You will lead by example and make people feel good when they are around you. The better you make others feel the more likely they will follow you and the better leader you will be.

For free instant access to discover how you can harness and transmute your sexual energy


Unlocking the Mystery of the Female Orgasm

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Unlocking the Mystery of the Female Orgasm

9 Ways to Help Her Achieve Orgasm.

An estimated 50% of women rarely or never achieve orgasm. If your partner is one of these here are some simple and easy ways to unlock the mystery of the female orgasm.

1.  Take the Pressure off Her. Do NOT ask “Did you come?”

If her orgasm becomes the “end goal” or sole purpose for having sex this will put ENORMOUS pressure on her. Pressure to achieve orgasm or to “perform” will STOP her relaxing enough to have an orgasm.

Many men think that they are failing in some way, or less of a man if their partner does not come. If your ego or feelings are linked to your girlfriend’s orgasm it will only put more pressure on her. If she loves you (and I’m assuming she does) she will want you to feel good and to please you. Don’t make her feel like she is failing you if she can’t come. That would only put more pressure on her. Some women even fake it to take the pressure off and to please their partners. Instead make pleasure, fun and intimacy the purpose of making love.

2.  Take the Pressure off Yourself

If your partner cannot achieve orgasm don’t take it personally. There are many reasons why women can’t orgasm and it is most likely nothing to do with the size of your penis, how long you can last or your sexual prowess. Although technique is important, this is something that you can easily learn.  Most importantly don’t let her lack of orgasm stop you enjoying making love together.

3.  You Can’t Give Her an Orgasm Only She Can Take One

Many men will proudly boast about the great orgasms the “give” their partner. But the truth is that no one can GIVE anyone an orgasm. All you can do is create the right conditions. Like gardening, you dig the earth, prepare the soil, water the seeds, but in the end it’s the plant that does the growing. In the same way, make her feel safe, comfortable, relaxed, give her permission to enjoy her body (and yours) and then just wait and see.

4.  Give Her Space and Permission to Learn Her Own Body

If your girlfriend has never achieved orgasm before then she will need the space, privacy and support to practice on her own. She needs to learn how her own body works, feels and responds and she will be much more comfortable doing this on her own. Encourage her to practice, self pleasure and masturbation. Give her space to do this. Go out, and if you have kids take them out too.  Let her know that this is HER time.  Encourage her to have a “date” with herself. When she finally does achieve orgasm – she will feel so proud of herself and happy. Make sure you celebrate it too. Don’t allow your feelings of wishing you had been the one to give her the orgasm get in the way of HER pleasure.

Once she can achieve orgasm easily on her own, it’s then time for her to show you how it’s done. And then the fun really starts.

5.  Foreplay, Moreplay, and Get Clirtorate

Learn the language of her body. Learn about her sexual response. The male and female sexual responses are VERY different so learn those differences. These are covered in our online course Ecstatic Living, but here are two important ones.

a) Timing

Touch, stroke, kiss and caress other body parts for at least 15 minutes before you even attempt to touch her genitals. Particularly for a woman it takes at least 15 minutes for the sex hormones to be distributed around her body in sufficient quantities for her to feel aroused. If you rush it not only will she not be ready, she will likely feel invaded. Wait to be invited.

b) The clitoris, it’s a sensitive subject

The clitoris has TWICE as many nerve endings as the penis and over a smaller area. When you think you are using about the right amount of pressure, use even LESS. Feather soft strokes with the fingertips are perfect. If she wants you to press harder she will let you know.

6.  Get Intimate

Yes women love orgasms, but intimacy can be just as important. Many women can achieve orgasm alone (and you’ll have to ask her about this) but not when you are present. The reasons for this are usually around her self confidence and the level of intimacy she is comfortable with. Make her feel really comfortable in your presence. The way to do this is to be really comfortable in your own presence, and have great presence.

7.  Masculine Energy

Many pre-orgasmic women have an excess of male energy. This makes her overly rational and logical. She can get stuck in her head and thoughts rather than her intuition and in her body. This can cause her to shut off from her sexuality.  For her to achieve orgasm she will need to raise her feminine energy, and although you can’t do that for her, you can make it feel safer for her to move into that feminine essence. Raising your own masculine energy will help her do this. Develop your inner strength and learn more about raising masculine energy.

A woman likes to feel comfortable and safe with her man. The best way you can do this is for YOU to be comfortable in and with yourself.

8.  Soul Connection

The secret to great sex has nothing to do with the physical body. It is actually all about the emotional and spiritual connection between two people. At orgasm the ego (lower self) is surrendered. When you know how to exchange your sexual and orgasmic energy you will truly be making love and connecting at a spiritual level. The experience of this goes way beyond any physical pleasure and is exquisite bliss.

Sex is the barometer of how healthy a relationship is and it is the glue that binds it together.

9.  Sex Magic

Sex magic is said to be a highway to higher consciousness. When a couple have great sex at a soul level it not only strengthens the relationship it strengthens the individuals.

Really successful people have a very strong relationship and a good sex life is an essential part of that. Learning about sexual energy not only improves your sex life and your relationship it transforms all areas of your life too.

To Your Bliss

By Dr. Lisa Turner

For a free audio on how sexual energy and sex magic, including more info on the full body orgasm, click here.


Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Why Can’t You Come?

Anorgasmia. What is it?

desert-landscapeSex and orgasm should be pleasurable, joyful, fun, relaxing, blissful and more. So why is it that some women simply cannot achieve orgasm?

Anorgasmia is a form of sexual dysfunction sometimes classified as a psychiatric disorder in which a woman cannot achieve orgasm, even with “adequate” stimulation. If there is nothing physically wrong, then the cause must be emotional, which is what my work and this blog focuses on.

Pre-orgasmia, and anorgasmia in women is common. Studies suggest as many as 43% of women never or rarely achieve orgasm.

Here are some definitions.

Preorgasmia  which also called Primary Anorgasmia

This is a condition where someone has NEVER experienced an orgasm. This is significantly more common in women, although it can occur in men too.

Secondary anorgasmia

This is a condition where you have difficulty achieving orgasm. You have in the past but can’t any more. This can happen if you feel you have been violated in some way or had an emotionally traumatic event. This event need not be sexual in nature. Any emotional trauma can trigger this problem, as I will explain in upcoming posts.

Some women can achieve orgasm but only rarely, with some having as few as one or two orgasms in a year.

Why orgasms are important

humpback-whaleAn orgasm is felt as a series of uterine muscle contractions that last several seconds, releasing oxytocin in the process. Oxytocin regulates stress hormone levels stress and the menstrual cycle.

Not only are anorgasmic women denied intense sexual pleasure and satisfaction, but also a deficiency of oxytocin (the hormone generously released during orgasm) leads to

  • stress
  • obesity
  • psychotic behaviour
  • impairs cognitive functions
  • increases breast-cancer risk

So it’s worth thinking about getting this problem solved.

You are Hardwired for Pleasure

hippy-girlOur bodies were designed for pleasure. The clitoris, g-spot and penis are full of nerve endings that are hardwired to pleasure centres in the brain. So why is it that for some people, even with all the right conditions  orgasm doen’t occur?

The Orgasm is a reflex reaction, out of our conscious control. It is the unconscious mind that controls it, which means, rather like sneezing, you can’t cognitively decide to have an orgasm. You can only create the right conditions and let the unconscious mind do the rest.

Coming Soon

In this series of blogs I’ll be covering the various causes for anaorgasmia and what can be done about it.

If you cannot or have not achieved orgasm IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.  It can be solved and you will be able to enjoy sex, relationships, and your body freely.

Until next time


Sorry I’m late, I was having a wank

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Sexual Taboos 2: Masturbation

“Sorry I’m late, I was having a wank”

Let’s face it – that’s not something you’re ever likely to hear. Although masturbation is more acceptable now, it still holds a stigma and shame. Although people might openly say in a general sense that they masturbate, there are very few people who are ever specific.

EcstacyFor example – there you are having a wank and the phone rings. Do you answer it? If you answer it do you admit that you’re out of breath because “I was just having a wank” I’m guessing NOT for most people. More likely they would make up something about running for the phone, putting up shelves or some little fib or other.

If you don’t answer the phone and then call back when you’ve errr… finished, do you say why you didn’t answer – “Sorry mate, couldn’t come to the phone till I’d come”

Again this seems pretty unlikely – at least no-one’s ever said it – not even to me and I’m the Orgasm Coach. Though if they did I’d be saying “Excellent work – Commendable”

So why is masturbation still shameful? Of all sexual taboos it seems pretty harmless so what’s the big deal?

Why is masturbation still shameful?

First let’s look to religion.

Many religions discourage masturbation. The bible warns against not “casting your seed on barren ground” I’ve found no specific reference to female masturbation in the bible.

Some religions believe that a man should not waste his sperm. By which they mean a man should only ejaculate for the purposes of procreation. These religions also believe their priests (only men) should never marry or have sex, or masturbate. Even the strictest Tantra disciplines say that orgasm should not be suppressed.

There are lots of things you can do with an orgasm but suppression is not considered healthy for many reasons.

Those religions that discourage orgasms in their priests in any way, suppressing orgasm, seem to have more reports of child sex abuse and other more serious taboos. I don’t know if there is a connection between a man suppressing orgasm and him abusing children. Maybe those who abuse don’t suppress their orgasm and DO  masturbate. I don’t have any evidence other than speculation.

Let’s look at it from the perspective of energy and power.

All magic is sex magic. In many esoteric practices the raising of sexual energy through masturbation (for both men and women) is common place and fundamental to increasing power. The practice usually involves arousing sexual energy then transmuting it at the point of orgasm. This will increase a person’s health and vitality and also their power.
Ejaculation without transmuting the energy will be cause a man to lose his energy. Women also lose energy though not anywhere nearly as much as men do. Men and women who transmute their sexual energy will raise their energy – there are many other benefits but more of that later.

Now I’m not really into conspiracy theories but making masturbation at taboo would prevent the majority of people from accessing their own personal powerhouse.

So it seems possible that masturbation was made taboo to keep people’s sexual energy trapped in the body and only available in its most potent form for the few elite who were (are) in the know.

It’s also possible that it was for protection. To transmute sexual energy without first clearing oneself emotionally can trigger problems for a person. Someone who had lots of suppressed fear, for example who raised to full orgasmic energy would certainly become aware of their fears and it’s entirely possible that they might even think they were going mad. For such a person releasing their energy in a “wasted ejaculation” would be much safer.

Whatever the reason for masturbation being taboo, it’s still not socially acceptable to say – sorry I couldn’t answer the phone I was having a wank. One day it will be ok to say “I was raising and transmuting energy”

Until next time.

Sexual Taboos 1 – Promiscuity

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Sexual energy is the most potent and powerful on the planet. All magic is sex magic. Sexual energy is the energy it takes to create a whole new person. Despite sex supposedly being all about love and creation, there still are and always have been taboos around sex.

Is it possible that every taboo is actually a way of protecting and preserving our sexual energy?

j0433270So what is a taboo? Why were they created? Was it an early of propaganda, a way of controlling people? Were they for our safety? Or were they to keep us enslaved?
Many esoteric teachings warn of the dangers of abusing or wasting sexual energy. For example it would be possible to raise your sexual energy and use it to exert control over others. It is also possible for others to “steal” your energy.

Let’s take a look at some of the taboos that have and still do exist around sex starting with…

Sex with many partners – promiscuity.

Promiscuity has become less taboo and but is still not really considered to be socially responsible. STDs are usually cited as the reason for avoiding promiscuous behaviour, but multiple partners certainly affect sexual energy.

It is possible to “use” others by draining their energy. A promiscuous person could, in theory, use tantric principles to absorb the energy of each partner they have sex with, thus building their energy but draining others. a sort of sexual vampire if you like.

It is also possible, if you don’t know energy techniques for the promiscuous person to lose energy to each partner. This could create a vicious cycle where the individuals psyche craves energy which drives them to have sex, but due to ignorance they lose rather than gain energy thus creating the urge for them to have sex again.

So promiscuity could increase your energy, albeit unethically, if you know esoteric, or deplete your energy if you don’t. Either way it seems that this  taboo have had the positive intention of protection.

More on other taboos soon. All the best


Sex and money and power.

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Have you ever noticed that rich people seem to have a lot of power? They have a magnetic attraction, charisma and a powerful presence.

You might be forgiven for thinking that their power is a result of their wealth. But in fact their power comes from their ENERGY. And many times this energy is a sexual. By this I don’t mean that they are “sexy” or sexually attractive. Indeed it is often commented that rich men attract beautiful women despite their physical appearance, not because of it, and vice versa for rich women.

Increasing your Energy Will Increase your Wealth

Rather than their attraction being down to their wealth it is due to their ENERGY. The money is simply a “by product” of a powerful energy.

moneyMoney and success is attracted to energy. You have as much wealth in your life as you have energy. If you raise your energy, more money will follow. If you increase your wealth without increasing your energy, you will lose the money. Lottery winners are a good example of this. They usually end up just as poor as they were before.

This is great news, because if you want to increase your wealth, rather than focussing on get rich schemes. Focus on your energy first. Orgasm Coaching enables you to harness your sexual energy and increase your success and wealth – as a “by product”

Sexual energy that has been harnessed is the most powerful and potent source of life force energy available to us.

Living orgasmically and orgasm coaching enables you to harness this energy.
Coming soon – How trauma can deplete your energy.

Orgasms and Energy

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Women get their energy from Vaginal and Full body orgasms. These types of orgasm will massively increase your energy. You will feel more vital, healthy, and energised. Although Clitoral Orgasms will slightly deplete your energy, they are far better than no orgasms at all.Men lose energy from “normal” orgasms, but with coaching you can learn to retain your energy, lengthen your orgasms and even become a multi orgasmic man. Without pills and with training and practice you can become a wonderful lover for your partner, help her to achieve better orgasms and enjoy your own even more.

No matter how good your sex life is there is always room for improvement. Even if you have great orgasms you can learn to have more, have them more often. And, most importantly, to harness their energy.