Archive for June, 2009

Anorgasmia: Trying to stay in control

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Being in your head. Needing to be in control. Can’t let go.

pilotsWe live in a very “left brain” rational society. Emotions, intuition and feelings are disapproved of, not only in the work place, but in all areas of life.  Life has become about control. Controlling ourselves, every thought, every process, and every action become entirely planned and controlled by our logical mind. Some people try to plan and pilot every aspect of their lives.

But orgasm is NOT under our conscious control. Like sneezes they are controlled by the irrational, unconscious, emotional, intuitive, holistic part of our brains. People who only use logical control find it hard to or even  impossible to let go.

Other symptoms that someone is overly controlling are:

  • Inability to have fun.
  • Don’t let their hair down.
  • Being critical of both themselves and others.
  • Being highly organised and unable handle changes of plan easily.
  • They might come across as being demanding, extremely particular or fussy.
  • They have muscle tension, stiff joints, headaches or migraine
  • Nightmares, insomnia or other sleep disturbances.
  • Often feel tired even when you know you shouldn’t
  • They believe there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.
  • They are often quite pessimistic, or even despondent.

The healing process for these clients focuses on them learning how to relax, and let go and how to surrender to a little chaos.

One of the key factors is to communicate with your unconscious mind. Tap into your intuition if you like. You need to learn to trust their unconscious mind and slowly but surely release the tight hold on control.

Control is an illusion anyway. We can actually control very little. The unconscious mind, although it might seem irrational this is usually because it has much greater processing power so has information that the conscious mind does not. If it is left alone and allowed to do its job, all areas of life can improve.

The solution for this starts with the woman first accepting the need to relax control. Unfortunately they find this very difficult as it might not feel safe for them. Also they are often completely unaware that they are very controlled or even that this is part of the problem.

The clues are often apparent as soon as they contact me, but the number of restrictions they place around and the way of them getting onto a workshop. They will say things like “it has to be in May” or “I can’t do Tuesdays”. They will need to know a lot of specifics about the content and ask for details of my credentials.

Sadly for most of these women they put so many restrictions that they rarely take action to move forward. It is as if they have locked themselves into a cage or are so tightly wrapped up in their “shoulds” and “have tos” that they never even give themselves the freedom to come to see me.

Fortunately those that do come to see me experience fantastic transformations and find that by letting go they actually gain more influence over their lives. And of course, they end up being able to achieve orgasm and harness their energy which also increases their persona power, and effectiveness. Control without power is impotent.

The problem is one of energy and it is too much masculine energy and not enough feminine energy.

FractalFeminine energy is raw power, but it is a little chaotic.

Masculine energy is control, but is can be restrictive

We need both.

Control without power is impotent

Power without control is destructive.

The healing includes things to get them to relax, let go and enjoy a little chaos. Energy work to raise the feminine energy as well as meditation, hypnosis and relaxation techniques. Bodywork to get them out of their head and into their body is also important. Yoga and Chi Gong movement is excellent for this.

If you would like to know how to increase your personal power and influence or you cannot achieve orgasm then contact me          0845 468 1508 

Until next time


Cause of Anorgasmia: Emotionally Numb

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

Emotionally Numb

numbEmotional trauma from past events can cause people to numb themselves from all feelings, both emotional and physical. This is a form of severe dissociation. Where a person becomes completely disconnected from their body and emotional feelings.

This happens when too much emotional pain from any kind of traumatic events has simply made feelings, all feelings, emotional and physical, seem unsafe. They have learnt to block out the pain and in doing so have blocked everything out too.


Abusive relationships are a common reason people become numb to their emotional and physical feelings. The abuse need not be violent or sexual. Any kind of abuse can lead to emotional problems that stop people being able to enjoy themselves. Emotional abuse can be a slow, drip feed of pain or can be a single highly traumatic event. More about abusive relationships here.

I see many clients like this who are often detached and have trouble with all relationships, intimate, family even friendships become difficult. They have so many painful emotions that any slight criticism can destroy the fragile shell they have put around themselves.

Their healing process centers on the releasing of the painful emotions. Once released the emotional trauma feelings become safe once again. They get back in touch with themselves both emotionally and physically. They now allow themselves to feel their positive and pleasant emotions again.

Living from pain

CBR001209We live in a pleasure starved culture. No pain, no gain is the modern mantra.

Some even believe that suffering and martyrdom actually buys or earns you something, that it make you a better person somehow.

We have become so focused on achieving something, an end goal. We exercise, not because it’s fun, but because we want to lose weight, or get fit, or look good. Fun and pleasure are almost taboo. Doing something, anything, just because it feels nice is almost unacceptable. Add to that the taboos and shame surrounding sex and it’s not surprising that many women and men don’t enjoy sex.

Pride in suffering

But being proud of suffering does nothing but cause more pain and suffering. Have you ever worked in a job where everyone brags about how much work they have to do? How busy they are? Have you ever found yourself trying to “up” the ante of suffering by saying something like “You think you’ve got it bad? Listen to what happened to me…”  like the Monty Python sketch where they all say “Luxury!”

Yes there will be suffering in your life, that’s part of living. But it’s not everything, it’s not the point of life and suffering is not some kind of currency that will bring you riches or health or happiness. It just brings you more suffering. When you believe this you will simply create and attract that into your life.

The whole ethos of the environment becomes “Look how much I’m suffering”

I’d like to turn this round and say no pain no pain.

happy-womanPleasure please.

I would love for everyone to live without the guilt and shame that surrounds sexual pleasure and orgasm. Your body was built for pleasure. You have a god given and divine right to enjoy it. So do it. Do it now. Do it for yourself.

If you have been in an abusive situation in the past that is still affecting you, or you have trouble connecting with your sexuality then why not contact me   0845 468 1508

Until next time


Is your relationship abusive?

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Abuse is about control

j0227798Before you read this blog post, please note that I have referred to the man as the abuser, not because men are always the abuser and women the abused, but only because this is more common.

The abuse usually takes the form of control which is the essence of masculine energy. In a relationship either the man or the woman can abuse  or control using their masculine energy. Men usually have more masculine energy than women.

The pattern of abuse.

There are five forms of abuse and they may occur in any order. In any order there is:

Social violence.

alone-in-cafeThe woman is completely isolated from all societal support. Friends and family are no longer available. Friendships are made difficult or forbidden. There is often social undermining, where he will tease her in public.

Economic violence.

He controls the finances. In some cases he may keep her poor by gambling, drinking or not working, or just overspending. She will often be prevented from working so that has no independent income. If she has children this is very easy for him to do. childcare is expensive and even if available working is difficult for mothers without support from their partner.

Psychological violence

This is the constant erosion of her self esteem. It is usually relentless with every opportunity being taken to try to make her feel bad about herself and as if she is lucky to have him as no-one else would have her.

Sexual violence.

CBR001209Which doesn’t necessarily mean rape, although it can be. Most of all it is the complete control of her sexuality and the sexual relationship. He decides when, how, where, if and so on.

Physical Violence

Then, when she has

  • no money, (economic abuse)
  • no energy, (sexual abuse)
  • no friends or family and (social abuse)
  • no self esteem (psychological abuse)

if she dares to show any resistance to total control, if she dares to show any small spark of independent thought, then he will hit her. And that is why she will stay.

So next time you hear of someone being beaten, man or woman.  And you are tempted to ask yourself why do they stay? Why don’t they just leave?


More about the cycle and pattern of abuse, including my own experiences in my upcoming book Laughing with Ghandi.

If you have been or think you might be in an abusive relationship and would like some help contact me

Until Next Time


What Can You Do With Your Orgasm?

Thursday, June 11th, 2009

4 things you can do with your orgasm

Ahippy-girln orgasm is just for relief right? Sexual tension increases until you feel compelled to do something about it, and then you masturbate or have sex to achieve an orgasmic relief. But are there other things you can do with your orgasm and sexual energy?

We put in so much effort for that 30 seconds of bliss but have you ever wondered if there could be more to it or wished you could make it last?

What would it be like if you could maintain that state of bliss and feel energised and enlivened by it all the time?

Using some special techniques and your own personal energy, you can learn to not only enjoy longer, more intense orgasms but use the energy they create to lead a more fulfilling life too

Remember that peak moment of bliss just before you come. Imagine being able to sustain that for longer and longer. That is what you can learn to do on our workshops.

And when you do learn this, you become magnetically attractive to everyone. We are all intrinsically attracted to energy. This is what people mean when they talk about “chemistry”.

So here are some things you can do to harness your orgasmic energy.

Suppress it

I don’t recommend this in the long term, but next time you are feeling a little aroused simply delay gratification for a few hours or even days notice how other people react to you. Make sure you don’t suppress your sexual energy for too long though as it WILL eventually demand release and it might do so at a time that is not convenient or appropriate. Too much suppressed energy will always leak out somewhere.

Delay it

papayaI recommend this to all my clients. Next time you make love or masturbate, when you reach that moment just when you think you are going to come. HANDS OFF. To a few very deep breaths, and then continue. On my workshops I teach a technique to move the energy up your body so that it begins to turn into a full body orgasm. But even simply delaying your orgasm will eventually have you gagging for it so that when you eventually do come it will be excruciatingly pleasurable.

Surrender to it

Once you have delayed your orgasm several times it’s time to “treat yourself” Surrender to the pleasure and be fully conscious of every pulsing wave of bliss as it moves up your body. As you begin your orgasm contract your pelvic muscles. Your orgasm will last as longer if you hold that contraction, which is why I give my students exercises to tone these muscles ready for the full body orgasm.

Transmute it

Human ChakraThis is an advanced technique that I teach my clients once they have mastered the basics. As you begin your orgasm you start to move the sensation up your body. You spin and cycle the bliss and energy and orgasmic pleasure pulses up your body.

You will feel it in your back, your heart, your mind, your fingertips and even your hair will feel like it is coming too. As you continue to practice this full body orgasm technique you never return down to the normal post orgasm low. You stay on that orgasmic high for longer and longer.

When you begin to live orgasmically you become calmer, more balanced, more secure in yourself and as a result become more confident and charismatic. Others will wonder what it is about you, and you can choose to keep or share your secret as you live orgasmically.



Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Why Can’t You Come?

Anorgasmia. What is it?

desert-landscapeSex and orgasm should be pleasurable, joyful, fun, relaxing, blissful and more. So why is it that some women simply cannot achieve orgasm?

Anorgasmia is a form of sexual dysfunction sometimes classified as a psychiatric disorder in which a woman cannot achieve orgasm, even with “adequate” stimulation. If there is nothing physically wrong, then the cause must be emotional, which is what my work and this blog focuses on.

Pre-orgasmia, and anorgasmia in women is common. Studies suggest as many as 43% of women never or rarely achieve orgasm.

Here are some definitions.

Preorgasmia  which also called Primary Anorgasmia

This is a condition where someone has NEVER experienced an orgasm. This is significantly more common in women, although it can occur in men too.

Secondary anorgasmia

This is a condition where you have difficulty achieving orgasm. You have in the past but can’t any more. This can happen if you feel you have been violated in some way or had an emotionally traumatic event. This event need not be sexual in nature. Any emotional trauma can trigger this problem, as I will explain in upcoming posts.

Some women can achieve orgasm but only rarely, with some having as few as one or two orgasms in a year.

Why orgasms are important

humpback-whaleAn orgasm is felt as a series of uterine muscle contractions that last several seconds, releasing oxytocin in the process. Oxytocin regulates stress hormone levels stress and the menstrual cycle.

Not only are anorgasmic women denied intense sexual pleasure and satisfaction, but also a deficiency of oxytocin (the hormone generously released during orgasm) leads to

  • stress
  • obesity
  • psychotic behaviour
  • impairs cognitive functions
  • increases breast-cancer risk

So it’s worth thinking about getting this problem solved.

You are Hardwired for Pleasure

hippy-girlOur bodies were designed for pleasure. The clitoris, g-spot and penis are full of nerve endings that are hardwired to pleasure centres in the brain. So why is it that for some people, even with all the right conditions  orgasm doen’t occur?

The Orgasm is a reflex reaction, out of our conscious control. It is the unconscious mind that controls it, which means, rather like sneezing, you can’t cognitively decide to have an orgasm. You can only create the right conditions and let the unconscious mind do the rest.

Coming Soon

In this series of blogs I’ll be covering the various causes for anaorgasmia and what can be done about it.

If you cannot or have not achieved orgasm IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.  It can be solved and you will be able to enjoy sex, relationships, and your body freely.

Until next time


Wank and Grow Rich

Friday, June 5th, 2009

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill dedicated an entire chapter to “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation”. Considered a classic wealth and success book, much of the focus and application of the philosophies and techniques quoted come from almost any chapter BUT chapter 11.

think_and_grow_rich_original_coverThere seems to be no doubt that sex sells. Advertisers and marketers use sex everywhere possible and acceptable to sell.

Prostitution is known as the oldest profession. But is it possible that on some level we are all prostitutes. Is sex our biggest asset when it comes to getting ahead?

Let’s look at what Napoleon Hill actually said and what scientific or anecdotal evidence there might be for his ideas.

Hill’s claims about Sex Transmutation

  • sexual energy is the strongest, and most potent of all human emotions
  • sexual energy can transform mediocrity into genius when it is transmuted, that is changed from one element or form of energy to another
  • men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex natures
  • genius is developed through the sixth sense, which is activated by stimulating one’s mind so that it vibrates on a higher plane
  • once transmuted sexual energy can stimulate the mind to vibrate on a higher plane
  • it is not simply the possession of sex energy that creates a genius, but the transmutation of it from the desire for physical satisfaction to a higher form
  • personal magnetism is entirely related to sexual energy

For our largely left brain, logical society these will be rather grand and extraordinary claims. Victorian values around sex are still prevalent and most business people would likely state that sex has no place in the workplace.

Hill would agree that sex has no place in business but what Hill was referring to was not sexual arousal and the satisfaction of base urges, Hill spoke of sexual energy or the emotion of sex.

moneyIt’s undisputable that sex is a powerful driving force. It will drive men and women to take huge risks of credibility or reputation. There must be something more to this than a simple orgasm? So what is this powerful force and how can you turn it from something destructive to something creative?

Hill suggested the thing to do was to transmute sexual arousal into a higher form of energy or vibration. But nowhere does Hill explain exactly HOW one transmutes sexual energy.  What is the mechanism or process that one uses to change raw lust or physical expression into creative genius.

Research led me to the field of esoterics and tantra. Although I studied tantra as part of my personal journey to understand the human condition, tantra offers the clearest explanation of how to transmute sexual energy to a “higher vibration”.

Used as a route to spiritual enlightenment, tantra focuses its philosophy on “the transmutation of sexual energy”. It claims that when sexual arousal (lust) is transmuted into a higher vibration form of energy that it can activate intuition, higher forms of thought and creative genius. It also offers spiritual enlightenment and communion with the spiritual realms. The promises of tantric transmutation are identical to Hill’s.

These techniques are usually shrouded in mystery and frequently only passed on to selected initiates.  It is seems likely that Hill was privy to these techniques, or at least knew OF them even if he didn’t practice them.

It’s likely that Hill didn’t reveal the specifics of the techniques in his books because, even today, they are highly controversial.

Even now a practice that involves masturbation or sex for any other purpose than the currently accepted reasons would provoke controversy. Although a deeper investigation of the techniques will reveal that they make a clear distinction between sexual “energy” and sexual arousal. One does not necessarily lead to the other.

Human ChakraTantrikas (initiates of tantra) are usually highly restrained in their sexual practises as they believe promiscuity would lead to a loss of sexual energy and thus there would be less to transmute. So tantra seems to offer the ultimate in safe sex.

But what of the other claims, of the ability to stimulate the genius mind and activate intuition, how true are these claims? As a scientist I have to first state that no research studies exist that prove or disprove these claims, all evidence is anecdotal. However, also as a scientist until something has been disproved we have to allow for the possibility that it might be true.

The claims include, increased feelings of wellbeing, improved confidence, clarity of thought, productivity, health and even weight lose. Studies on the effects of meditation show similar effects, although the effects of tantric practices appear to occur more rapidly, and to a greater extent. Sort of supercharged meditation.

It seems Napoleon Hill might just have been on to something. But something that was virtually taboo when he first published this, and remains controversial to this day. However if you are open minded and willing to experiment, it might just make a big impact on your life. I say to my students “Nothing I say is the ‘truth’ but neither is it a lie. These are nothing more than models that you can experiment with. If they work, Great, if they don’t Great, try something else.”  Enjoy experimenting, it’s what scientists do.

For the first time ever you can learn the secrets of internal alchemy outside of a religious or spiritual order. You won’t need to go through years of preparation or study, nor will you need years of martial arts training.